Saturday, December 15, 2018


Busted... as her cone prevented an escape from the forbidden couch.

  While my growing pup is recovering from having all her dog eggs removed, I got her an online subscription to Petflix.  Here she is watching her favorite video.

  She never knew either of the guys in the video but she is standing on the exact spot that their altercation occurred.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Well At Least One of Us Enjoyed the Fall Colors

What I saw.
       Took Nico to a park to enjoy the fall colors this morning,  Used the phone to snap a few photos, since the 500mm lens almost never comes off the real camera.

     Ran the photo through an online processor at.. to get an idea of how the pup sees the changing leaves. The lack of resolution was surprising and has me scratching my head over how she can pick out a squirrel rustling in the leaves at 100 yds.
How Nico would see herself (if she were taking a selfie).
   Of course averted gaze portraits are fine for yearbooks or a U2 press release showing that they still haven't found what they're looking for, it's not optimal when attempting to capture a dog's personality(?). 
Squeaky mouse impersonation gets her attention

"OK you got your eye-level photo with a colorful background, now get me off this picnic table"

Back on leaf covered ground
     The last photo when viewed on the small screen of my phone gave the impression of a three-dimensional dog emerging from a two-dimensional shadow dog.